All of these sounds are in AU WAV or AIFF format. Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or any mistakes that you may find. I have a lot of the episodes if you are looking for that special sound.
Microsoft Media Player now supports these sound formats.
This program probably is not necessary.
If you don't have a compatible program, try one of these:
WhamAudio Player (for Windows) (136k)
Pkware for zipped files 1337KB Theme in WAV format (zipped up)
beam_up.wav 34KB Maltz, cho-e-chu
fleet.wav 45KB Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding.
And I intent to recommend you all for promotion,
in whatever fleet we end up serving
genesis.wav 299KB Kirk summarizes the Genesis effect
help_die.wav 50KB Help us or die
Maltz: I do not deserve to live
Fine, I'll kill you later
home.wav 206KB What the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind?
Mccoy: Help me Jim. Take me home.
Bones, we are. We are home.
Mccoy: Then perhaps it's not too late. Climb the steps Jim. Climb the steps of Mount Cilaea.
Mount Cilaea? Bones Mount Cilaea is on Vulcan. We're home, on earth.
Mccoy: Remember
kick.wav 41KB I...have had...enough of you!
nutcake.wav 11KB I hear he's frutty as a nutcake
redalert.wav 89KB Red Alert Mr. Scott.
Scotty: Aye Sir
All power to the weapon systems
Scotty: Aye Sir
Mccoy: No shields?
If my guess is right they'll have to decloak before they can fire
Mccoy: May all your guesses be right
sarak.wav 345KB Sarak mindmelds with Kirk
sorry.wav 22KB Sorry about your crew, but as we say on Earth c'est la vie
unit2.wav 43KB Unit 2 this is Unit 1. The Kobayashi Maru has set sail
for the promise land. Acknowledge.
wind.wav 11KB May the wind be at our backs
friend.wav 191KB Spock remembers Kirk at the end
scream.wav 72KB Spock as a child screams
danger.wav 23KB I choose the danger. Hell of a time to ask.
fighting.wav 64KB Kirk: What have I done?
What you had to do. What you always do. Turn
death into a fighting chance to live.
logical.wav 32KB To expect one to order poison in a bar is not logical
permits.wav 257KB There aren't going to be any damn permits. How can you
get a permit to do a damn illegal thing?
Look, price you name, money I got.
Alien: Place you name, money I name. Otherwise bargin no
Alright, dammit. It's Genesis. The name of the place we're going to is Genesis.
Alien: Genesis!
Yes! Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?
Alien: Genesis allowed is not. Is planet forbidden!
engineer.wav 109KB Kirk: As good as your word
Aye Sir. The more the overtake the plumbing, the easier it is
to stop up the drain. Here Doctor. Souvineirs, from one surgeon
to another. I took them out of her main transwarp computer drive
joke.wav 78KB As promised, she's all yours Sir. All systems automated and
ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her.
Kirk: Thank you Mr. Scott. I'll try not to take that personally
refit.wav 39KB With all appreciation Sir, I prefer to supervise the refit of Enterprise
up_shaft.wav 38KB Computer: Level please
Transporter room
Computer: Thank you
Up your shaft
klingon.wav 23KB Klingon Bird of Prey Sir. She's arming torpedos.
Kirk: Fire Mr. Scott
tiny.wav 11KB Don't call me tiny
David Marcus
risk.wav 32KB Captain, please we'll take the risk. But we've got to find out what it is.
Saavik: Or who
spk_tube.wav 75KB Gravatation fields were in flux. It must have soft landed.
Esteban: Encode to Star Fleet. Captain Spocks tube located on Genesis surface
charming.wav 93KB Kruge talks about "a new life" after Genesis
get_out.wav 219KB Torg: My lord. The ship appears to be deserted.
How can that be? They're hiding.
Torg: Yes Sir. But the bridge seems to be run by computer. It is the only thing speaking.
Speaking? Let me hear.
Computer: 9...8...7...6...5...
Get out! Get out of there! Get out!
Computer: 1...(explosion)
status.wav 96KB Report status
We are cloaked. Enemy closing on impulse power. Range, 5000 kellicams
Good. It's just the turn of luck I have been waiting for
adventur.wav 160KB Peace and quiet appeals to me Lieutenant
Mr. Adventure: Yeah well maybe that's ok for someone like you,
whose career is winding down. But me, I need some challenge
in my life, some adventure. Maybe even just a surprise or two.
Well you know what they say Lieutenant, becarful what
you wish for. You may get it
fantasy.wav 172KB Mr. Adventure: Well what are we going to do about it?
I'm not going to do anything. And you're going to sit in the closet
Mr. Adventure: The closet? What, have you lost all you sense of reality?
This isn't reality. It's fantasy. You wanted adventure? How's this?
The old adrenaline going? Huh? Good boy. Now get in the closet!
conv1.wav 175KB Crew talks about the new Exselsior
conv2.wav 2250KB Enterprise escape from Spacedock
conv3.wav 187KB Enterprise short circuits during battle
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