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If you don't have a compatible program to play these sounds, then try one of these:
Pkware for zipped files
Realaudio player for RAM files
- gentheme.zip 5470KB The opening theme to Star Trek VII (compressed WAV format)
- generend.zip 4274KB The closing theme to Star Trek VII (compressed WAV format)
- gentheme.ram 354KB The opening theme to Star Trek VII (Real Audio format)
Captain James T. Kirk
- at_helm.ram 9KB It wouldn't be the Enterprise without a Sulu at the helm
- diapers.ram 15KB I was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was in
diapers. Besides which, I think the galaxy owes me one.
- differen.ram 44KB Did we make a difference?
Picard: Oh yes. We made a difference. Thank you.
The least I could do, for the Captain of the Enterprise
- dill.ram 13KB Dill
Picard: I beg your pardon
Dillweed. In the cabinet. Second shelf to the left.
- empty.ram 30KB You know maybe this isn't about an empty house.
Maybe it's about that empty chair on the bridge of
the Enterprise. Every since I left Starfleet I
haven't made a difference.
- findtime.ram 9KB Sulu. When did he find time for a family?
- history.ram 11KB You say history considers me dead.
Who am I to argue with history?
- im_dead.ram 13KB You say this is the 24th century?
Picard: Uh huh
And I'm dead?
- jumped.ram 13KB I must have jumped that 50 times. Scared the hell
out of me each time. Except this time.
- kirkhere.ram 3KB Kirk here!
- lookarnd.ram 9KB Well, may we have a look around?
- my_house.ram 32KB Come on it. It's alright. It's my house.
At least it used to be. I sold it years ago.
- oh_my.ram 7KB Oh my (death scene)
- ohreally.ram 5KB Oh really?
- past.ram 19KB The future? This is the past. This is nine years ago.
- pleasure.ram 3KB It's our pleasure
- relays.ram 9KB Where are the deflector relays?
Sulu: Deck 15, section 21 alpha
- report.ram 3KB Report!
- right.ram 17KB This nexus of yours. Frankly, I can start all over again
and do things right from day one
- scotty.ram 3KB Scotty
- take_us.ram 3KB Take us out
- thats_it.ram 5KB That's it, let's go!
- yr_place.ram 19KB Wait. Your place is on the bridge of your ship.
I'll take care of it.
Captain Jean Luc Picard
- agreed.ram 3KB Agreed
- capt_ent.ram 13KB I'm captain Jean Luc Picard of the starship...Enterprise
- charges.ram 15KB Mr. Worf, I always knew this day would come.
Are you prepared to face the charges?
- children.ram 5KB These are my children!
- companio.ram 73KB Someone once told me that time was a predator that
stalked us...
- enhance.ram 5KB Enhance grid 9A
- farragut.ram 9KB Picard to Farragut, two to beam up
- generlg2.ram 32KB Captains log Stardate 48650.1.
Three starfleet vessels have arrived in orbit...
- generlog.ram 32KB Captains log Stardate 48632.4. Dr Crusher
informs me that Data's emotion chip...
- hail.ram 26KB Klingon vessel. We know what you are doing...
- justdoit.ram 5KB Make it so. Just do it!
- lookaliv.ram 5KB Look alive there!
- onscr.ram 3KB Onscreen
- robert.ram 97KB Robert... (conversation between Picard and Troi)
- setcours.ram 7KB Set a course for the Veridian system, maximum warp
- standdwn.ram 5KB Stand down from Red alert
- warp1.ram 5KB Helm, warp 1 engage!
- what.ram 15KB Officer: Sir, a Klingon Bird of Prey is
decloaking off the port bow
Captain John Harriman
- activate.ram 5KB Activate main deflector
- all_eng.ram 7KB All engines full reverse!
- beamthem.ram 5KB Beam them directly to sickbay
- block.ram 19KB We've just cleared the asteroid belt. Our course today
will take us out beyond Pluto and then back to
spacedock. Just a quick run around the block.
- damage.ram 5KB Damage report ensign
- fullcrew.ram 5KB We don't even have a full crew aboard
- giveordr.ram 11KB Captain Kirk
Kirk: Yes?
I'd be honored if you gave the order to get underway
- intro.ram 23KB Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. There will
be plenty of time for questions later. I'm
Captain John Harriman and I'd like to welcome
you all aboard
- keepdist.ram 7KB We'll have to keep our distance.
We don't want to get pulled in too.
- onscreen.ram 3KB On screen
- prepare.ram 13KB Prepare to leave spacedock. Aft thrusters
ahead one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping
- rescue.ram 9KB Signal the closest starship, we're in no
condition to mount a rescue.
- school.ram 23KB I just want you to know how excited we all
are to have a group of living legends with us on
our madian voyage. I remeber reading about your
missions when I was in grade school
- speakers.ram 3KB On..On speakers
- tuesday.ram 9KB The medical staff, doesn't arrive till Tuesday.
- up_to_us.ram 15KB I guess it's up to us. Helm, lay in an
intercept course and engage at maximum warp
- venting.ram 15KB What about venting plasma from the warp nacels,
that might disrupt the ribbons hold on the ship
- you_have.ram 7KB I'll go. You have the bridge.
- youdidit.ram 5KB You did it Kirk!
- 47out150.ram 13KB I got 47 out of 150
- bigchair.ram 7KB Captain, is there something wrong with your chair?
- breakfre.ram 5KB We're breaking free
- bridgeto.ram 5KB Bridge to Captain Kirk
- complete.ram 7KB Transport complete
- fineship.ram 7KB Damn fine ship if you ask me
- holdtoge.ram 7KB I don't know how much longer I can hold her together
- respond.ram 13KB Bridge to Captain Kirk. Captain Kirk, please respond.
- simulate.ram 17KB Captain, it may be possible to simulate a torpedo blast
using a resonance burst from the main deflector dish
- help_you.ram 13KB It's going to be alright. We're to help you.
We are going to help you
- is_that.ram 5KB What the hell is that?
- lets_go.ram 9KB Who they ??? tell now? You and you, you've
just become nurses, let's go
- m_staff.ram 5KB How big is your medical staff?
- meetsulu.ram 19KB I'd like you to meet the helmsman of the Enterprise B.
Demora. Ensign Demora Sulu
Commander William Riker
- brace.ram 7KB All hands brace for impact!
- bringout.ram 5KB Bring out the prisioner
- doing.ram 5KB What the hell's he doing?
- evac.ram 7KB Evacuate everyone to the saucer section.
Mr Data, prepare to separate the ship.
- fire.ram 3KB Fire!
- getoutof.ram 5KB We've got to get out of here!
- lock_pha.ram 5KB Lock phasers and return fire
- lower.ram 5KB Lower the badge of office
- nowomen.ram 11KB Bad food, brutal disipline, no women
- plank.ram 5KB Extend the plank
- rdcharge.ram 54KB Riker reads the charges against Worf
- red_aler.ram 9KB Red Alert! All hands to battle stations.
Captain Picard to the bridge
- remove.ram 7KB Computer, remove the plank!
- takehelm.ram 9KB Deanna, take the helm! Get us out of orbit!
Commander Data
- compile.ram 9KB It will take the computer a few moments
to compile the information
- control.ram 34KB At first I was unprepared for the unpredictible nature
of emotions. However, having experienced 261 distinct
emotional states, I believe I have learned to control
my emotions. They will no longer control me
- do_not.ram 7KB Do not hurt me, please
- emotions.ram 15KB Sir, I no longer want these emotions.
Deactivating me is the only viable solution
- hullbrea.ram 7KB Hull breach on decks 31 through 35
- i_hate.ram 13KB Yes, that is it. I hate this!
- joke1.ram 7KB Open sesame
- joke2.ram 21KB You could say I have a magnetic personality.
Humor, I love it! (laughs)
- joke3.ram 5KB Make it so (impersonates Picard)
- lifeform.ram 44KB Data's lifeforms song
- oh_shit.ram 9KB Ohhhh shit!
- oogh.ram 5KB Oogh!
- spot.ram 26KB Spot! I am very happy to see you Spot!
Troi: Another family reunited
- yes.ram 5KB Yes! Ump!
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
- allright.ram 5KB Data, are you alright?
- new_prob.ram 54KB Must have been that last torpedo.
La Forge to bridge...
- techtalk.ram 23KB Let's get a stabilizer on that conduit (explosion).
Reenforce that starboard interlock. We need to
reroute main power through the secondary coupling
- theta.ram 9KB My visor is picking up something in the theta band.
It could be a trilithium signature
- critical.ram 5KB Warp core is going critical
- hailing.ram 5KB They are hailing
- lockweap.ram 30KB According to my calculations a probe launched...
- penetrat.ram 7KB They have found a way to penetrate our shields
- shckwave.ram 9KB Sir, the implosion has produced a level 12 shockwave
- tri_lith.ram 21KB Trilithium is a nuclear inhibitor. In theory it could
stop all fusion within a star, however the
Romulans never found a way to stabilize it
Doctor Crusher
- lacool.ram 54KB He's an Elorian. Over 300 years old...
Counselor Deanna Troi
- engaging.ram 5KB Engaging impulse engines
- robert.ram 97KB Robert... (conversation between Picard and Troi)
- spot.ram 26KB Data: Spot! I am very happy to see you Spot!
Another family reunited
- froucas3.ram 11KB Gentlemen, something new from Froucas 3?
- hates_it.ram 5KB Well, it looks like he hates it
- ifyougo.ram 42KB If you go, you're not going to care about anything...
- joy.ram 68KB It was like being inside joy...
- nexus.ram 15KB Soran doesn't care about weapons or power.
He just cares about getting back to the Nexus
Doctor Tolian Soran
- borg.ram 30KB You know, there was a time when I wouldn't hurt a fly.
And then the Borg came. And they showed me that it
there is one constant in this universe, it's death
- burn.ram 11KB They say time is the fire in which we burn
- drsoran.ram 11KB Soran, Dr. Tolian Soran
- elimanat.ram 5KB Eliminate them
- familiar.ram 15KB Actually I am familiar with history Captain.
And if I'm not too much mistaken, you're dead
- forcefld.ram 13KB Do be careful Captain, that's a 50 gigawatt
forcefield. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt
- get_away.ram 24KB PICARD! Get away from that launcher. Now!
- letmego.ram 28KB No, I have to go. I have to go back. No you
don't understand. Let me go back...
- listener.ram 15KB I am an Elorian. Some people call us a
race of listeners. We listen
- maxwarp.ram 13KB Set course for the Verdian system, maximum warp
- stylish.ram 7KB It's not very stylish though, is it?
- t_weapon.ram 11KB This contains all the information you'll
need to make a trilithium weapon
- timegain.ram 24KB Aren't you beginning to feel time gaining on you?
It's like a predator, it's stalking you
- who_hell.ram 7KB Just who the hell are you?
- why.ram 7KB Why? Why?
Ensign Demora Sulu
- bearing.ram 15KB The ships are bearing at 3-1-0 mark 2-1-5.
Distance, three light years
- cloaked.ram 7KB We're still cloaked, they can't see us
- cloaking.ram 9KB We are cloaking
Our shilds are down
- firewill.ram 5KB Fire at will!
- frequenc.ram 17KB Their shields are operating on a modulation of 257.4
B'Etor: Adjust our torpedo frequency to match, 257.4
- goto_eng.ram 11KB He must be the only engineer in Starfleet who
doesn't go to engineering
- hostage.ram 13KB The Captain would make a much more valuable hostage
- klingon.ram 9KB Klingon talk
- mating.ram 15KB I hope for your sake you were initiating a mating ritual
- repulsiv.ram 13KB Human females are so repulsive
- starship.ram 11KB That is a galaxy class starship,
we are no match for them!
- frequenc.ram 17KB Lursa: Their shields are operating on a modulation of 257.4
Adjust our torpedo frequency to match, 257.4
- transmit.ram 7KB Soran, transmit your coordinates
Reporters on the Enterprise B
- ask_kirk.ram 28KB Reporters asking Kirk questions
- question.ram 17KB How does it feel to be back on the Enterprise bridge?
Captain Kirk, can I ask you a few questions?
Lieutenant on the Enterprise B
- 45second.ram 5KB 45 seconds till structural collapse
- encounte.ram 11KB We are encountering severe gravametric distortions
from the energy ribbon Captain
- tempflux.ram 11KB I'm having trouble locking on to them. They appear
to be in some sort of temperal flux.
- anyonein.ram 17KB Chekov: My god! Was anyone in here?
Scotty: Aye.
- bedroom.ram 7KB Picard: This is not your bedroom
Kirk: No, it's not
- behaving.ram 19KB Data: I have not been behaving like myself lately
Geordi: No Data, you haven't. You've been behaving like a human
- chair.ram 26KB Riker: I always thought I'd get a shot at this chair one day.
Picard: Perhaps you still will. Somehow I doubt that this will be the
last ship to carry the name Enterprise
- finefine.ram 19KB Reporter: Gentlemen, now that you've seen
the rest of the ship, how does it feel to be back?
Chekov, Scotty, and Kirk: Well, fine, fine, fine
- fun.ram 58KB Picard and Kirk discuss the mission to Verdian III
- insist.ram 9KB Harriman: Please sir.
Kirk: No, no, no.
Harriman: Please sir, I insist
- jim.ram 7KB Picard: Good luck Captain
Kirk: Call me Jim
- justgot.ram 75KB Data's laughing at Geordi's 7 year old joke
- keep.ram 9KB Chekov: Scotty, keep things together until I get back
Chekov: I always do
- kids.ram 38KB Picards kids
- killeden.ram 28KB Riker: We can't trust them, for all we know
they've killed Geordi they might kill you too
Lursa: We did not harm your engineer. He's been our guest
Riker: Then return him!
B'Etor: In exchange for what?
- mistake.ram 13KB Picard: Number 1, that's retract plank, not remove plank
Riker: Of course Sir
- more.ram 15KB Data: Oh yes! I hate this! It is revolting.
Guinan: More?
Data: Please
- normal.ram 24KB Geordi: What's normal?
Soran: What's normal? Well, that's a good question.
Normal is what everyone else is and you are not
- notfunny.ram 11KB Geordi: Data
Data: That was
Geordi: Not funny
- perogati.ram 11KB Kirk: I thought you were headng for the launcher
Picard: I changed my mind, Captains perogative
- phasing.ram 24KB Scotty: What the hell! Their life signs are
phasing in and out of our space time continuim
Kirk: Phasing? To where?
Officer: Sir, their hull's collapsing
Kirk: Beam them out of there Scotty!
- psychiat.ram 30KB Scotty: Ahh, so that's why you seem so restless.
Finding retirement a little lonely are we?
Kirk: You know, I'm glad you're an engineer. With tact
like that you'd make a lousy psychiatrist
- suggest.ram 42KB Harriman: Captain Kirk I would appreciate
any suggestions you might have...
- tear.ram 9KB Chekov: Very good sir
Scotty: Brought a tear to me eye
Kirk: Oh be quiet
- theory.ram 54KB Scotty: There's just no way to disrupt a
gravametric field of this magnitude...
- together.ram 11KB Picard: We have to work together
Kirk: We are working together. Trust me. Go.
- tractor.ram 19KB Kirk: Tractor beam
Harriman: Hmmm?
Kirk: Tractor beam
Harriman: We don't have a tractor beam
Kirk: You left spacedock without a tractor beam?
Harriman: It won't be installed until Tuesday
- younger.ram 15KB Chekov: I was never that young
Kirk: No, you were younger
Miscellaneous Characters
- distress.ram 34KB Lacool distress call
- five_min.ram 7KB Starship separation in 5 minutes
- four_min.ram 7KB Starship separation in 4 minutes
- primary.ram 11KB Primary stabilizers offline, engaging secondary systems
Sound Effects
- alarm1.ram 5KB Alarm 1
- alarm2.ram 3KB Alarm 2
- alarm3.ram 11KB Alarm 3
- beepbeep.ram 11KB Beeps
- beeps.ram 3KB More beeps
- beeps2.ram 5KB Beeps 2
- beeps3.ram 9KB Beeps 3
- beeps4.ram 7KB Beeps 4
- comm_err.ram 3KB Communicator error sound
- weapon.ram 11KB Sorans weapon
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