Welcome to the newest addition to my homepage. Here you can have discussions about Star Trek and other related topics. What you need to do is send me, Brad, a message and I'll post it on this page. It can be to everyone or it can be a reply to a specific person. It should be updated everyday so you can check it out to see if there are any new posts. And if you want me to notify you when there are new messages just send your name and E-mail address and say "Notify of Post" in the letter. And remember, you don't need to say who the message is from, just tell me to put from an ananamous person or a nickname. Enjoy!
From: Brad Email me
I thought I'd start us off here by writing the first message. I like all kinds of Star Trek, unfortunatlly I can no longer watch DS9 where I live. I like the new Voyagers, most of them, and I try to catch them every week. The last few weeks have been re-runs so if you missed it it wasn't anything new. I also like other science fiction shows. My favorite is Babylon 5. It's got some great new shows with a lot of action and suspense. If you want to talk comment on anything or voice your own opinion, feel free!
To: Brad Email me
From: Jorge Pagan j25@ct.net
Hello, Brad. My name is Jorge. I just graduated from high school here in Florida. I also love Star Trek. Can't wait for "First Contact" to be out. I like all the series but have some doubts on some of the "Voyager" episodes. For example, the one about the *CHEESE* and the one about breaking the warp ten threshold. I just didn't like the concept of people turning into salamanders. Untill next time............
To: Brad Email me
From: Mike Lippert mlippert@diisd.k12.mi.us
Hi, Brad. My name is Mike. I didn't really like Star Trek until a couple weeks ago. I was flipping through the channels and I saw Star Trek: The Next Generation. I thought it was dumb and boring, but as I watched, it kind of got interesting. It started getting better and better with each episode. Now I watch it every night. Right at this very moment, I'm kind of going through withdrawal, like with nicotine, but with Star Trek, because the Olympics are on, and it's making me mad! Why do they air the Oympics, anyway? I mean, if we wanted to see them, we'd go to Atlanta, for crying out loud! Well, when they're over, I'll settle down, cause I'll be watching Star Trek. I applaud you for having a Star Trek page/discussion area. Thank you. Bye bye!
From: Brad Email me
Thanks for the letters Jorge and Mike! Keep them coming. Don't be shy. Send your thoughts about Star Trek, science fiction, or whatever. Remember that you can reply to someone or just say something to everyone. We need your support! Once again thanks Jorge and Mike, I'm sure everyone will enjoy reading your letters.
To: Brad Email me
From: Andre' Kirk1701D@aol.com
My name is Andre' and I think that ST is the best!!! Even though we don't have a TV at our house I still watch it when ever I can. Any one who reads this and Plays STTNG:CCG Please e-mail me.
To: Brad Email me
From: Daniel Barrera dab165cob@worldnet.att.net
Listen, Voyager sucks so badly it is not even funny. It is a big disappointment to the whole Startrek legacy and I can hear Roddenberry turing over in his grave whenever they air an episode. Bad stories, bad characters, god awful captain, just a bad show. First Contact was great I saw three times. Deep space nine has had a couple unbearable episodes but stays strong. Star Wars kicks ass.
To: Brad Email me
From: Steven Volz Nevets1@cris.com
Voyager has had some good parts to it but overall they need to get some better writers. If they were able to go past warp ten then why didn't they just warp home and then cure that salamander thing when they got there? I've seen every ST:TNG episode at least 5 times but it is still the best. DS9 isn't bad but they are running out of ideas.
To: All
From: Brad Email me
My favorite series would have to be TOS, TNG a close second. I've only seen the first couple of seasons of Deep Space 9. After the first few seasons the local station that carried in is shutdown. I still watch Voyager every week. I agree that it isn't the best, but it's still a good show. It has a few holes in the storyline, like the warp 10 story, and also the episode about the Borg survivors from Wolf 359. Even with these problems, I still think it's a great Star Trek series.
To: All
From: A Loyal Voyager Fan
I can't believe it! Voyager is the best Star Trek series ever to be put to air! The characters have attitude, the episodes have fantastic plots, the whole show is the greatest! Why do so many people dislike it? Just give it a chance. I didn't like it at first but now I can't get enough of it. I have all the novels and watch every episode. I'm not saying that I dislike the other series because I don't, but Voyager flies way over them at Warp 10.
Please stop criticising it and if you don't like it it's simple, DON'T WATCH IT!
To: Brad Email me
From: Dasaxx of the Neutral zone Sector 3.0 DASAXX@aol.com
I'm sorry to hear you can't watch DS9. I just saw the season premier and if I was rating it between 1-10 I'd give it a 7. I read not to long ago that the writers had plans of draging on the Federation vs. Dominion war for some time. Well now I know it's true. I'm curious as to what others that have seen it think so far.
This page was last updated on 11/09/97
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